Ad Unit Portfolio

Ad Unit Portfolio är en global annonsportfölj som utvecklats av IAB Tech Lab, Ad Portfolio Working Group. Det är riktlinjer som ska förbättra reklamupplevelser i olika digitala landskap, som webbplatser, mobilappar, sociala medier, kommunikations- och messenger-tjänster samt i nya digitala upplevelser som VR och AR.

IAB Sverige arbetar med att testa formaten och har tagit fram en konverteringstabell från IAB Sveriges Displaystandard till Ad Unit Portfolio. Det innebär en översättning av fasta pixelformat till ratio-format, med andra ord responsiva annonsenheter.

IAB New Standard Ad Unit Portfolio består av: Display- Native- Nya medieupplevelser som Emoji-, 360-graders bild- och video-, VR- och augmented reality (AR) -annonser. Syftet med de nya riktlinjerna är att förbättra användarupplevelse, snabbare prestanda och icke-störande annonsinnehåll baserat på följande principer:

Respekt: En konsuments främsta mål är att konsumera utgivarens innehåll
Kontroll: En konsument har kontroll över sin annonsupplevelse
Val: En konsument bestämmer vilket innehåll han eller hon vill uppleva och hur länge.

IAB Sverige har genomfört ett antal tester med de flexibla formaten och har tagit fram en konverteringstabell utifrån IAB Sveriges Displaystandard till Ad Unit Portfolio. Det innebär en översättning av fasta pixelformat till ratio-format (responsiva annonsenheter). Arbetet fortgår för en övergång när marknaden är mogen.

Report regarding implementation, or try thereof, of Flexible Ads in Sweden

Background In 2017 IAB published the New Ad Portfolio guidelines and as a part of it is Flexible ads where a shift from fixed size ads (ie 320×320 and 980×240) to ratio size ads (ie 1:1 and 4:1) is presented as a way to improve the ad experience both from a production standpoint but also from a usability perspective for the end user browsing the web. IAB also published as well specifications as transition guidelines. The documentation is however light on specific examples so in order to try it in an end-to-end real life environment a subset of the Swedish IAB with representatives in as well the media side as well as the development side of things got to work and this is the report.

This report summarizes the timeline from late 2018 to late 2019 during which testing was done, test ads developed, and meetings with various parties was held, some parts successful, other not as much. In general the Ad Unit Portfolio and the idea of flexible ads has been well received from all parties as something that makes sense in respect to making all of the web responsive. The test ads developed are possible to traffic in any ordinary ad container and was successfully trafficked as “direct buys” by two of the big publishers in Sweden, Schibsted and Bonnier using their internal systems to show the ads in flexible iframes on sites in their ecosystem. When it comes to testing in ad serving systems we’ve tried AdForm and Google Campaign Manager. Both systems can handle the ads as such but are unable, at the time of testing, to provide ad containers/iframes without a fixed pixel size rendering the idea of flexible ads end-to-end not feasible at the time of writing this report. Also, after discussion with other parties involved in the “middle ground” between development on the one side and the publisher on the other it is clear that their system is also built around the fixed size logic.

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