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Kontakta Molly Olsson.

TIKTOK: Safety on TikTok 2023

Over 150 million people* across Europe come to our platform every month to express themselves, learn new hobbies or skills and grow their business.

With such scale comes significant responsibility, and our work to build trust by ensuring the safety, privacy and security of our community and their data is critical. Only when our users and brands feel secure and protected can we fulfil our mission to inspire creativity and bring joy.

From setting a new standard on data security to the ways we’re supporting families and younger users, read on to learn more about the steps we’ve taken this year to build the most trusted entertainment platform in the world.

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Verve Group: Identitet: Avkodad

När det gäller identitet är det dags att överbrygga kunskapsklyftan mellan intressenter på köp- och säljsidan.
“Identitet: Avkodad” är den ultimata resursen för att navigera genom de komplexa diskussionerna kring identitet – en “måste läsas” i dagens ad-tech miljö.
Oavsett om du är publicist eller annonsör kommer du att hitta aktuella och användbara idéer och insikter i denna djupgående e-bok.

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Pubmatic: The evolution of commerce media in Europe

Commerce media has undoubtedly been one of the most eagerly-discussed emerging sectors in the advertising industry over the last year. Global and local brands are keenly exploring how to advertise through the channel, given that it offers marketers a method of meaningfully demonstrating return on investment (ROI), thus fulfilling the “closing of the loop” between media spend and actual sales data, which has become particularly prevalent against the backdrop of identifier deprecation across display and mobile environments.

While much has been made on these opportunities for marketers in commerce media, there have been fewer investigations examining attitudes to commerce media from the perspective of retailers and commerce media platforms, and how their investment in the sector is set to evolve accordingly.

To that end, ExchangeWire have produced this Insights & Attitudes report, in association with PubMatic, to ascertain how sellers of goods and services within Europe are interacting with commerce media, the core drivers and barriers to increasing commerce media investment, and how retailers are working with technology partners to capitalise on opportunities within the sector.

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Pubmatic: Rapport – Annonsköparens guide till adressability

Google har kanske givit lite respit åt marknaden, men kritik mot tredjeparts-cookies och nya lagar som reglerar personlig integritet på internet kommer att få står påverkan på annonslandskapet och hur annonsörer arbetar med att nå sina målgrupper.

Samtidigt som mediehus och utgivare arbetar med olika plattformar för att testa olika ID-lösningar kan medieköpare inte vila på lagrarna och njuta av den förlängda tidsfristen. Alla inblandade parter måste jobba vidare för att lösa utmaningar gällande såväl identitet som skalbarhet för att säkerställa att kampanjer fortfarande når fram till de tilltänkta målgrupperna.

Med hjälp av såväl kvantitativ undersökningsdata och kvalitativa insikter från experter undersöker den här nya rapporten från PubMatic hur båda sidorna av ekvationen tar sig an utmaningarna inom ”audience addressability” och förbereder sig för en digital framtid utan cookies.

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Pubmatic: Study – Verve Group and Scream Malmö increase reach 21% across unique audiences

The deprecation of third-party cookies and changes to Apple’s IDFA require that media buyers find new audience targeting and measurement solutions. In Sweden, mobile web traffic is higher than desktop, with Safari commanding 54%market share. To maximise audience engagement and reach, media buyers are testing different audience targeting approaches on mobile web.

Verve Group and Scream Malmo partnered with PubMatic to develop long-term addressability strategies for the mobile web. The companies devised an audience targeting strategy for a leading weight loss brand looking to target in-market mobile users that could be activated via PubMatic.

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Pubmatic: Report – The media buyer´s guide to impactful auction packages

Changes to privacy regulations, the disappearance of the third-party cookie, advances in multi-screen programmatic technology, and an increasingly fragmented digital advertising ecosystem mean that advertisers must constantly develop new strategies to connect with consumers. Programmatic advertising continues to deliver greater efficiencies in digital media buying. However, as the online population and volume of content continue to grow, supply paths are becoming increasingly complex and difficult to control.

Media buyers are advancing their strategies with auction packages that bridge the gaps in current programmatic buying methods and add significant value. There is an emphasis on testing multiple audience addressability strategies, leveraging first-party customer data, identifiers, and contextual targeting across a balanced mix of screen types.

PubMatic’s latest Media Buyer’s Guide explains how media buyers can tap into valuable data assets to build a scalable, privacy-centric audience strategy and create packages of curated inventory to prepare for a successful, sustainable future.

In this guide you will discover:
• What are auction packages?
• New audience addressability strategies to reach your desired audiences
• The value of supply-side targeting
• How to set-up the auction package and select the right targeting
• Best practices

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Verve Group: 2022 Media Planner’s Strategy Guide to Mobile and CTV​

2021 was a year of change for the programmatic landscape. From major consolidations in the industry to the emergence of new channels and technology for targeting and measurement in the light of the increasing focus on consumer privacy, the year brought about many challenges. But it also created an abundance of opportunities. In our 2022 Media Planner’s Strategy Guide to Mobile and CTV, we analyze data observed on Verve Group’s programmatic mobile and connected TV (CTV) exchanges in 2021, and transform them into valuable insights to guide you through your media planning for the year ahead and beyond.

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Verve Group: 2022 Global Digital Advertising Trends Report

Smaato’s 2022 Global Digital Advertising Trends Report dives into key digital advertising trends that are driving the industry forward this year. This mix of proprietary analysis and extensive industry research bring you answers all in one place. Publishers who want to deliver powerful monetization strategies will benefit from this in-depth look at creative ways to monetize inventory. The report also shares key opportunities for Marketers and Advertisers who want to reach global audiences and combat banner blindness.

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Criteo: Shopper Story 2022 by Criteo : Consumer Trends & the Future of Commerce

Find out the analysis we made about Criteo survey results across more than 17,000 respondents in the world, and data from our 22,000 advertiser clients worldwide, to know the trends of the now and future consumer.

Discover our report:
– How consumers often turn to the open internet instead of walled gardens
– The new hybrid shopping options are getting more popular (BOPIS, ROPO, BORIS)
– The share of consumer electronics and sustainability
– The importance of the video format as an influencer in the purchase journey
– Much more!

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Poddindex och poddlyssnande – Årsrapport 2021

Poddar är ett snabbt växande medie. När även intresset för investering i detta medie växer, ökar också frågeställningarna från annonsörer och mediebyråer. För att hjälpa dig som arbetar med reklaminvesteringar, har vi tagit fram en årsrapport som kombinerar data från Poddindex och ORVESTO Konsument. Rapporten innehåller teknisk räckvidd för poddar samt insikter om bl.a. vilka poddar som är populärast, vilken målgruppen är och vilka ämnen poddarna berör.

Ur innehållet:
– Teknisk räckvidd totalt 2021 mot 2020
– De mest populära poddarna 2021
– Vilka genrer engagerar mest?
– Utvecklingen av lyssnandet 2021 till följd av COVID-19
– Största poddarna 2021 baserat på teknisk räckvidd

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